Wejangan Ti Ua Steve Jobs

Written by Quantum Study Club on 08.33

Dua pekan lalu, AstroTV beberapa kali menayangkan film Pirates of Silicon Valley, yang mengisahkan bagaimana Bill Gates dan Steve Jobs muda mulai merintis bisnisnya, dan kini menjadi raja-raja di Lembah Silicon. Bill Gates menjadi raja peranti lunak melalui Microsoft Corp dan selama 13 tahun menjadi orang terkaya sejagad. Sementara itu Steve Jobs menjadi raja peranti keras melalui Apple Macintosh, dan kini meraja-lela dengan iPod dan iPhone. Ternyata, kedua orang hebat itu menjadi raja dari “mencuri”.

Film ini amat menarik. Bukan hanya menggambarkan perbedaan karakter Bill Gates dan Steve Jobs. Tetapi juga dilengkapi dengan berbagai kutipan orang-orang top. Misalnya ada kutipan kalimat gembong mafia:

Keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer“.

Kalau mau berhasil, kita mesti lebih mendekat ke pesaing daripada ke teman-teman kita sendiri. Ada juga kalimat

Good artists copy, great artists steal

yang sangat terkenal dari Picasso.

Foto: Steve Jobs dan Bill Gates muda di Pirates of Silicon Valley

“Good artists copy, great artists steal.”

Begitulah kata pelukis dan pematung asal Andalusia, Spanyol, Pablo Picasso. Ungkapan itu mungkin terkesan naif, tapi begitulah yang kerap terjadi di dunia ini. Banyak bukti yang menunjukkan bahwa banyak seniman atau penemu hebat lahir karena “mencuri” ide. Persis seperti yang dikatakan Picasso.

Kehebatan temuan Steve Jobs dan Bill Gates adalah contoh kecil tentang berlakunya “hukum” Picasso itu. Lihatlah Steve Jobs, bos Apple Inc, saat dia masih muda. Dia baru saja mencukur jenggot lebatnya saat komputer Apple pertama mulai diminati orang. Tapi resep cukur jenggot itu tak langsung melambungkan namanya, juga perusahaannya. Apple tetap secuil kuku dibandingkan dengan IBM, yang dikenal sebagai Raksasa Biru.

Penjualannya baru benar-benar mengguncang daratan Amerika Serikat setelah Steve Jobs dan timnya melahirkan komputer dengan tampilan grafis yang memukau, saat itu. Ya, Macintosh-lah yang telah menuliskan sejarah kehebatan Jobs. Saat IBM atau Altair, penemu komputer meja pertama yang menggandeng Microsoft, menyodorkan tampilan melulu teks yang membosankan, Apple muncul dengan desain grafis cantik. Tinggal klik dengan mouse, semua urusan beres.

Tampilan grafis dan tetikus (mouse) itulah temuan terhebat pertama Jobs. Tapi, tunggu dulu, dua temuan terhebat ini ternyata bukan temuan orisinal Steve Jobs dan gengnya. Mereka menjiplaknya atau mencurinya dari Xerox yang tak memanfaatkan temuan itu. Begitulah menurut film Pirates of Silicon Valley. Film ini diangkat dari buku Fire in the Valley: The Making of the Personal Computer yang ditulis oleh Paul Freiberger dan Michael Swaine.

Begini kisahnya: di sebuah siang, saat matahari menyapa langit San Francisco yang kerap membikin orang menggigil, Jobs dan teman karibnya, Steve Wozniak, serta beberapa programmer Apple Inc duduk bersama. Otak-otak mereka sedang beradu ide untuk melentingkan penjualan komputer dengan sebuah temuan baru. Seperti biasa, Jobs meniupkan dogmanya. “Kita harus menulis ulang sejarah manusia dengan temuan kita.”

Lalu sebuah ide brilian–dan sedikit nakal–menyambar otak mereka. “Mengapa kita tak mengambil ide tampilan grafis Xerox saja,” kata salah satu dari mereka. Lalu mereka pun meluncur ke pusat riset Xerox dan mengantongi temuan yang tak dilirik Xerox itu dengan harga sangat murah.

“Good artists copy, great artists steal,” kata Jobs menirukan ucapan Picasso. Sejak itulah kejayaan komputer Apple dengan cita rasa seni tinggi berkibar-kibar.

Bill Gates dan Microsoft saat itu masih remah-remah. Mereka tak bisa mengalahkan nilai seni–serta uang–Apple Inc. Keadaan itu baru berbalik setelah Bill Gates “mencuri” ide Apple tentang tampilan grafis dengan melahirkan Windows. Era Windows adalah titik kebangkitan Microsoft.

Kini orang terkesima kepada seniman hebat yang juga “pencuri”. Ia adalah Cina. Negeri ini kerap dicemooh sebagai tukang jiplak. Apa saja ditiru, dari yang kecil-kecil, seperti peniti dan jepit rambut, hingga kacamata Oakley, tas Gucci, dan mobil. Tapi lihat apa yang dilakukan Cina. Kini mereka menjadi eksportir terbesar di dunia. Juli lalu, menurut Guardian, nilai ekspor Cina mencatat rekor tertinggi, naik 16,8 persen dibanding tahun sebelumnya.

Apa kita harus jadi “pencuri” agar jadi seniman hebat?

Steve Jobs vs Bill Gates:

Simplicity vs Complexity


Perbedaan Steve Jobs dari inovator lainnya adalah di sisi taste of arts. Dalam sebuah wawancara di dokumenter PBS yang berjudul "Triumph of the Nerds" dia berkata bahwa dia tidak masalah dengan kesuksesan dari Microsoft. "The problem is, they don't have taste," katanya. Itu dia bedanya. Maka bisa kita lihat perbedaan produk Microsoft dengan Apple.

Dalam wawancara dengan Andy Hertzfeld (salah seorang pengembang awal dari Macintosh) di NerdTV, Andy menceritakan bahwa Steve Jobs merasa kurang enak dengan kata-katanya tersebut. Kemudian Steve menelepon Bill Gates. "Maaf, saya mengatakan itu di TV. Seharusnya saya tidak mengatakan hal itu di TV." Kemudian dia lanjutkan,

"but, it's true you have no taste!" Ha ha ha.

Kemudian Steve Jobs dan Bill Gates berdebat mengenai hal tersebut. Bill Gates berkata bahwa meskipun dia tidak punya taste, bukan berarti Microsoft tidak punya taste.

(Jadi Bill Gates mengaku tidak punya taste?)

Kegilaan Steve Jobs dengan desain yang bagus tercermin dalam produk yang dia hasilkan semenjak jaman komputer Apple II, kemudian ke Macintosh (meskipun ada cerita rame di belakangnya), ke NeXT computer dengan NeXTstep OSnya, ke iPod, dan ... oh terus tidak ada hentinya. Apple II merupakan komputer pertama yang memiliki form factor yang didesain untuk produk konsumer. Sebelum-sebelumnya, komputer hanya dibuat dalam kotak saja. Kemudian kita lihat komputer NeXT yang berbentuk kubus (cube) dengan monitor yang memiliki alas kaki yang tipis. Demikian pula dengan iPod yang mulus. Semua desainnya menunjukkan kesederhanaan (simplicity). (Lihat bagian referensi mengenai perbedaan style presentasi antara Bill Gates dan Steve Jobs.)

Oh ya, saya memiliki komputer Apple II asli, pernah menggunakan NeXT computer dalam bekerja (itulah sebabnya saya mengetahui adanya WWW karena Tim Berners-Lee - sang penemu WWW dan HTML - juga menggunakan NeXT computer), saya juga memiliki iBook G4 dengan Mac OS X. Yang belum saya miliki adalah iPod (dan mungkin G5?)

Saya percaya bahwa kesukaan Steve Jobs akan seni ini sudah ada sejak dia lahir, tapi ada jalur kehidupannya yang membuat dia menjadi demikian. Dalam "commencement speech" di Stanford University tahun 2005 ( transkripada di sini, audio file ada di sini ), Steve Jobs menceritakan pengalaman hidupnya. Salah satunya adalah pengalaman dia drop out dari sekolah. Reed College, tempat dia sekolah dulu, merupakan salah satu sekolah yang terbaik dalam bidang kaligrafi di Amerika. Karena tidak ada kerjaan, maka Steve Jobs mengikuti kuliah kaligrafi ini. (Tidak tahu apakah dia mendaftarkan atau hanya sekedar ikutan saja.) Dia belajar mengenai serif dan sans-serif typeface, jarak antara karakter, dan hal-hal yang membuat tipografi indah. Hal ini yang mempengaruhi dia ketika dia membuat komputer Macintosh, komputer pertama yang memiliki tipografi yang indah. Kalau saja dia tidak mengikuti kelas kaligrafi tersebut (dan mungkin kalau saja dia tidak drop out) maka mungkin kita tidak akan punya komputer yang memiliki tampilan yang indah. Poin saya, Steve Jobs memang menyukai keindahan.


Ah. Ini aspek Steve Jobs yang membuat dia dicintai dan sekaligus dibenci oleh orang. Steve Jobs tidak memperkenankan Anda untuk berhenti bekerja apabila hasilnya belum sesuai dengan keinginannya. Biar besok mau lebaran atau natalan, kalau belum selesai, maka Anda belum boleh pulang! Jika karya (program) Anda belum sesuai dengan standar yang dia inginkan, maka Anda harus menulis ulang. Tidak peduli bahwa menurut Anda karya Anda tersebut sudah hebat dan Anda sudah menghabiskan tiga bulan untuk membuat program tersebut.

Orang heran mengapa pengguna Apple memiliki kecintaan yang erat kepada produknya. Pernah menghina produk Apple di depan penggemar Apple? Bisa-bisa Anda dilempar dengan bakiak. Bagaimana timbulnya rasa kecintaan ini? Kecuali untuk mobil kelas atas, kita jarang melihat hal ini. Saya belum pernah melihat orang begitu cintanya kepada mesin ketik brother sehingga kemana-mana dia banggakan.

Steve Jobs mengatakan bahwa kalau kita membuat produk dengan passion, maka pengguna produk tersebut dapat merasakan adanya spirit tersebut. Maka dia menuntut hal tersebut dari developernya.

Steve Jobs

Born Steven P. Jobs
February 24, 1955 (1955-02-24) (age 53)[1]
San Francisco, California, U.S.A.[1]
Occupation Chairman and CEO of Apple Inc.[2]
Board of Directors of Walt Disney Company
Salary US$1[3][4]
Net worth US $5.4 billion (2008 Forbes) [6]
Spouse(s) Laurene Powell
Children 4

Steven Paul Jobs (born February 24, 1955) is the co-founder, Chairman, and CEO of Apple Inc and former CEO of Pixar Animation Studios.

In the late 1970s, Jobs, with Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak, created one of the first commercially successful personal computers. In the early 1980s, Jobs was among the first to see the commercial potential of the mouse-driven GUI (Graphical User Interface).[7] After losing a power struggle with the board of directors in 1985, Jobs resigned from Apple and founded NeXT, a computer platform development company specializing in the higher education and business markets. NeXT's subsequent 1997 buyout by Apple Inc. brought Jobs back to the company he co-founded, and he has served as its CEO since then. Steve Jobs was listed as Fortune Magazine's Most Powerful Businessman of 2007.[8]

In 1986, he acquired the computer graphics division of Lucasfilm Ltd which was spun off as Pixar Animation Studios.[9] He remained CEO and majority shareholder until its acquisition by the Walt Disney Company in 2006.[2] Jobs is currently the Walt Disney Company's largest individual shareholder and a member of its Board of Directors.[10][11] He is considered a leading figure in both the computer and entertainment industries.

Jobs's history in business has contributed greatly to the myths of the quirky, individualistic Silicon Valley entrepreneur, emphasizing the importance of design while understanding the crucial role aesthetics play in public appeal. His work driving forward the development of products that are both functional and elegant has earned him a devoted following.[12]



Early years

Jobs was born in San Francisco[1] and was adopted by Justin and Clara (née Hagopian) Jobs of Mountain View, Santa Clara County, California who named him Steven Paul. His biological parents, Joanne Carole Schieble and Abdulfattah Jandali[13] — a graduate student from Syria who became a political science professor[13] — later married and gave birth to Jobs's sister, the novelist Mona Simpson.

Jobs attended Cupertino Junior High School and Homestead High School in Cupertino, California,[12] and frequented after-school lectures at the Hewlett-Packard Company in Palo Alto, California. He was soon hired there and worked with Steve Wozniak as a summer employee.[14] In 1972, Jobs graduated from high school and enrolled in Reed College in Portland, Oregon. Although he dropped out after only one semester,[15] he continued auditing classes at Reed, such as one in calligraphy. "If I had never dropped in on that single course in college, the Mac would have never had multiple typefaces or proportionally spaced fonts," he said.[16]

In the autumn of 1974, Jobs returned to California and began attending meetings of the Homebrew Computer Club with Steve Wozniak. He took a job as a technician at Atari, a manufacturer of popular video games, with the primary intent of saving money for a spiritual retreat to India.

Jobs then backpacked around India with a Reed College friend (and, later, the first Apple employee), Daniel Kottke, in search of philosophical enlightenment. He came back with his head shaved and wearing traditional Indian clothing. During this time, Jobs experimented with LSD, calling these experiences "one of the two or three most important things [he had] done in [his] life."[17] He has stated that people around him who did not share his countercultural roots could not understand certain aspects of his thinking.[17]

He returned to his previous job at Atari and was given the task of creating a circuit board for the game Breakout. According to Atari Founder Nolan Bushnell, Atari had offered US$100 for each chip that was reduced in the machine. Jobs had little interest or knowledge in circuit board design and made a deal with Wozniak to split the bonus evenly between them if Wozniak could minimize the number of chips. Much to the amazement of Atari, Wozniak reduced the number of chips by 50, a design so tight that it was impossible to reproduce on an assembly line. At the time, Jobs told Wozniak that Atari had only given them US$600 (instead of the actual US$5000) and that Wozniak's share was thus US$300.[18][19][20][21][22][23]

Steve Jobs and Bill Gates at D5
Steve Jobs and Bill Gates at D5

Beginnings of Apple Computer

See also: History of Apple

In 1976, Steven Jobs and Stephen Wozniak, with funding from multimillionaire A.C. "Mike" Markkula, founded Apple. Before Wozniak co-founded Apple with Jobs, he was an electronics hacker. Jobs and Wozniak had been friends for some time, having met in 1971, when their mutual friend, Bill Fernandez, introduced 21-year-old Wozniak to 16-year-old Jobs. Steve Jobs managed to interest Wozniak in assembling a computer and selling it. As Apple continued to expand, the company began looking for an experienced executive to help manage its expansion. In 1983, Steve Jobs lured John Sculley away from Pepsi-Cola, to serve as Apple's CEO, saying, "Do you want to spend the rest of your life selling sugared water to children, or do you want a chance to change the world?"[24][25] The following year, Apple set out to do just that, starting with a Super Bowl television commercial titled, "1984." Two years later, at Apple's annual shareholders meeting on January 24, 1984, an emotional Jobs introduced the Macintosh to a wildly enthusiastic audience; Andy Hertzfeld described the scene as "pandemonium."[26] The Macintosh became the first commercially successful small computer with a graphical user interface. The development of the Mac was started by Jef Raskin, and eventually taken over by Jobs.

While Jobs was a persuasive and charismatic director for Apple, some of his employees from that time had described him as an erratic and temperamental manager. An industry-wide sales slump towards the end of 1984 caused a deterioration in Jobs's working relationship with Sculley, and at the end of May 1985 – following an internal power struggle and an announcement of significant layoffs – Sculley relieved Jobs of his duties as head of the Macintosh division.[27]

NeXT Computer

See also: NeXT

Around the same time, Jobs founded another computer company, NeXT Computer. Like the Apple Lisa, the NeXT workstation was technologically advanced; however, it was largely dismissed by industry as cost-prohibitive. Among those who could afford it, however, the NeXT workstation garnered a strong following because of its technical strengths, chief among them its object-oriented software development system. Jobs marketed NeXT products to the scientific and academic fields because of the innovative, experimental new technologies it incorporated (such as the Mach kernel, the digital signal processor chip, and the built-in Ethernet port).

The NeXT Cube was described by Jobs as an "interpersonal" computer, which he believed was the next step after "personal" computing. That is, if computers could allow people to communicate and collaborate together in an easy way, it would solve a lot of the problems that "personal" computing had come up against. During a time when e-mail for most people was plain text, Jobs loved to demo the NeXT's e-mail system, NeXTMail, as an example of his "interpersonal" philosophy. NeXTMail was one of the first to support universally visible, clickable embedded graphics and audio within e-mail.

Jobs ran NeXT with an obsession for aesthetic perfection, as evidenced by such things as the NeXTcube's magnesium case. This put considerable strain on NeXT's hardware division, and in 1993, after having sold only 50,000 machines, NeXT transitioned fully to software development with the release of NeXTSTEP/Intel.

Return to Apple

Steve Jobs on stage at Macworld Conference & Expo, San Francisco, January 11, 2005.
Steve Jobs on stage at Macworld Conference & Expo, San Francisco, January 11, 2005.
See also: "1998 to 2005: New beginnings" in Apple Inc.

In 1996, Apple announced that it would buy NeXT for US$429 million. The deal was finalized in late 1996,[28] bringing Jobs back to the company he founded. He soon became Apple's interim CEO after the directors lost confidence in and ousted then-CEO Gil Amelio in a boardroom coup. In March 1998, in order to concentrate Apple's efforts on returning to profitability, Jobs immediately terminated a number of projects such as Newton, Cyberdog, and OpenDoc. In the coming months, many employees developed a fear of encountering Jobs while riding in the elevator, "afraid that they might not have a job when the doors opened. The reality was that Jobs's summary executions were rare, but a handful of victims was enough to terrorize a whole company."[29]

With the purchase of NeXT, much of the company's technology found its way into Apple products, notably NeXTSTEP, which evolved into Mac OS X. Under Jobs's guidance the company increased sales significantly with the introduction of the iMac and other new products; since then, appealing designs and powerful branding have worked well for Apple. At the 2000 Macworld Expo, Jobs officially dropped the "interim" modifier from his title at Apple and became permanent CEO. Jobs quipped at the time that he would be using the title 'iCEO'. [30]

In recent years, the company has branched out, introducing and improving upon other digital appliances. With the introduction of the iPod portable music player, iTunes digital music software, and the iTunes Store, the company made forays into consumer electronics and music distribution. In 2007, Apple entered the cellular phone business with the introduction of the iPhone, a multi-touch display cell phone, iPod, and internet device. While stimulating innovation, Jobs also reminds his employees that "real artists ship",[31] by which he means that delivering working products on time is as important as innovation and attractive design.

Jobs is both admired and criticized for his consummate skill at persuasion and salesmanship, which has been dubbed the "reality distortion field" and is particularly evident during his keynote speeches (colloquially known as "Stevenotes") at Macworld Expos and at Apple's own World Wide Developers Conferences.

In 2005, Jobs responded to criticism of Apple's poor recycling programs for e-waste in the U.S. by lashing out at environmental and other advocates at Apple's Annual Meeting in Cupertino in April. However, a few weeks later, Apple announced it would take back iPods for free at its retail stores. The Computer TakeBack Campaign responded by flying a banner from a plane over the Stanford University graduation at which Jobs was the commencement speaker. The banner read "Steve — Don't be a mini-player recycle all e-waste". In 2006 he further expanded Apple's recycling programs to any U.S. customer who buys a new Mac. This program includes shipping and "environmentally friendly disposal" of their old systems.[32]

Stock options issue

In 2001, Steve Jobs was granted stock options in the amount of 7,500,000 shares of Apple with an exercise price of US$18.30, which allegedly should have been US$21.10, thereby incurring taxable income of $20,000,000 that he did not report as income. Apple overstated its earnings by that same amount. If found liable, Jobs may face a number of criminal charges and civil penalties. Apple claimed that the options were originally granted at a special board meeting that may never have taken place. Furthermore, the investigation is focusing on false dating of the options resulting in a retroactive US$20 million increase in the exercise price. The case is the subject of active criminal and civil government investigations,[33] though an independent internal Apple investigation completed on December 29, 2006 found that Jobs was unaware of these issues and that the options granted to him were returned without being exercised in 2003.[34] On July 1, 2008 a $7B class action suit was filed against several members of the Apple Board of Directors for revenue lost due to the alleged securities fraud.[35][36]

Pixar and Disney

In 1986, Jobs bought The Graphics Group (later renamed Pixar) from Lucasfilm's computer graphics division for the price of US$10 million, US$5 million of which was given to the company as capital.[37] The major cause of the low purchase price was George Lucas' need to finance his 1983 divorce without significantly reducing his stock and control of the Star Wars enterprises.

The new company, which was originally based in San Rafael, California but has since relocated to Emeryville, California, was initially intended to be a high-end graphics hardware developer. After years of unprofitability selling the Pixar Image Computer, it contracted with Disney to produce a number of computer-animated feature films, which Disney would co-finance and distribute.

The first film produced by the partnership, Toy Story, brought fame and critical acclaim to the studio when it was released in 1995. Over the next ten years, under Pixar's creative chief John Lasseter, the company would produce the box-office hits A Bug's Life (1998), Toy Story 2 (1999), Monsters, Inc. (2001), Finding Nemo (2003), The Incredibles (2004), Cars (2006), Ratatouille (2007), and WALL-E (2008) . Finding Nemo, The Incredibles and Ratatouille each received the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature, an award introduced in 2001. In the years 2003 and 2004, as Pixar's contract with Disney was running out, Jobs and Disney chief executive Michael Eisner tried but failed to negotiate a new partnership, and in early 2004 Jobs announced that Pixar would seek a new partner to distribute its films once its contract with Disney expired. Personal animosity between the two executives was largely blamed for the companies' failure to renew their partnership.[citation needed]

In October 2005, Bob Iger replaced Eisner at Disney, and Iger quickly worked to patch up relations with Jobs and Pixar. On January 24, 2006, Jobs and Iger announced that Disney had agreed to purchase Pixar in an all-stock transaction worth US$7.4 billion. Once the deal closed, Jobs became The Walt Disney Company's largest single shareholder with approximately 7% of the company's stock.[10] Jobs's holdings in Disney far exceed those of Eisner, who holds 1.7%, and Disney family member Roy E. Disney, who holds about 1% of the company's stock and whose criticisms of Eisner included the soured Pixar relationship and accelerated his ousting. Jobs joined the company's board of directors upon completion of the merger.

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Jobs also helps oversee Disney and Pixar's combined animation businesses with a seat on a special six-man steering committee. One of the committee's first decisions was to discontinue the production of so-called "cheapquels" (cheap direct-to-video sequels). Many also see Jobs as a valuable and influential advisor to Iger and Disney on technology matters.

Management style

Much has been made of Jobs's aggressive and demanding personality. Fortune noted that he "is considered one of Silicon Valley's leading egomaniacs."[38] Commentaries on his temperamental style can be found in Mike Moritz’s The Little Kingdom, one of the few authorized biographies of Jobs; Jeffrey S. Young’s unauthorized Steve Jobs: The Journey Is the Reward; The Second Coming of Steve Jobs, by Alan Deutschman; and iCon: Steve Jobs, by Jeffrey S. Young & William L. Simon.

In iCon: Steve Jobs the authors point out that Paul Jobs, who adopted Steve, was also known to be aggressive: "Paul was soon hired as a kind of strongarm man by a finance company that sought help collecting on auto loans — an early repo man. Both his bulk and his aggressive personality were well suited to this somewhat dangerous pursuit, and his mechanical bent enabled him to pick the locks of the cars he had to repossess and hot-wire them if necessary."

In the 1996 documentary Triumph of the Nerds, the reaction to Jobs's famous firing from Apple by CEO John Sculley and the Apple Board of Directors was discussed by various people:

The grandiose plans of what Macintosh was gonna be was just so far out of whack with the truth of what the product was doing. And the truth of what the product was doing was not horrible, it was salvageable. But the gap between the two was just so unthinkable that somebody had to do something, and that somebody was John Sculley.

Chris Espinosa

The board had to make a choice and I said look, it's Steve's company, I was brought in here to help. If you want him to run it, that's fine by me. But we gotta at least decide what we're gonna do and everybody's got to get behind it … and ultimately after the board talked with Steve and talked with me, the decision was that we would go forward with my plans and Steve left.

John Sculley

What can I say? I hired the wrong guy. He destroyed everything I spent 10 years working for; starting with me, but that wasn't the saddest part. I would have gladly left Apple if Apple would have turned out like I wanted it to.

—Steve Jobs

People in the company had very mixed feelings about it, everyone had been terrorized by Steve Jobs at some point or another, and so there was a certain relief that the terrorist would be gone. And on the other hand I think there was incredible respect for Steve Jobs by the very same people, and we were all very worried what would happen to this company without the visionary, without the founder, without the charisma.

Larry Tesler

He took it as a personal attack, started attacking Sculley, in which, you know, backed himself into a corner. Because he was sure that the board would support him and not Sculley … Apple never recovered from losing Steve; Steve was the heart and soul and driving force; it would be quite a different place today; they lost their soul.

Andy Hertzfeld

Jobs has always aspired to position Apple and its products at the forefront of the information technology industry by foreseeing and setting trends, at least in terms of innovation and style. He summed up that self-concept at the end of his keynote speech at the Macworld Conference and Expo in January 2007 by quoting ice hockey legend Wayne Gretzky:[39]

There's an old Wayne Gretzky quote that I love. 'I skate to where the puck is going to be, not where it has been.' And we've always tried to do that at Apple. Since the very very beginning. And we always will."

—Steve Jobs

Personal life

Jobs married Laurene Powell, on March 18, 1991. Presiding over the wedding was the Zen Buddhist monk Kobun Chino.[40] The couple have three children. Jobs also has a daughter, Lisa Brennan-Jobs (born May 17, 1978), born to Chrisann Brennan, an early girlfriend.[1] She briefly raised their daughter on welfare when Jobs denied paternity, claiming that he was sterile.[2] Lisa Brennan-Jobs is a journalist who wrote for The Harvard Crimson, and Apple's Lisa Computer was named for her.

In the unauthorized biography The Second Coming of Steve Jobs, author Alan Deutschman reports that Jobs once dated Joan Baez. Deutschman quotes Elizabeth Holmes, a friend of Jobs from his time at Reed College, as saying she "believed that Steve became the lover of Joan Baez in large measure because Baez had been the lover of Bob Dylan." In another unauthorized biography, iCon: Steve Jobs by Jeffrey S. Young & William L. Simon, the authors suggest that Jobs might have married Baez, but her age at the time (41) meant it was unlikely the couple could have children. Baez included a mention of Jobs in the acknowledgments of her 1987 memoir And A Voice To Sing With.

Steve Jobs is also a devoted Beatles fan. He has referenced them on more than one occasion at Keynotes and also was interviewed on a showing of a Paul McCartney concert. When asked about his Business Model on 60 Minutes, he replied:

My model for business is The Beatles: They were four guys that kept each other's negative tendencies in check; they balanced each other. And the total was greater than the sum of the parts. Great things in business are not done by one person, they are done by a team of people.

In 1982, Jobs bought an apartment in The San Remo, an apartment building in New York City with a politically progressive reputation, where Demi Moore, Steven Spielberg, Steve Martin, and Princess Yasmin Aga Khan, daughter of Rita Hayworth, also had apartments. With the help of I.M. Pei, Jobs spent years renovating his apartment in the top two floors of the building's north tower, only to sell it almost two decades later to U2 frontman Bono. Jobs had never moved in.[41][42]

In 1984, Jobs purchased a 17,000-square-foot (1,600 m2), 14 bedroom Spanish Colonial mansion, designed by George Washington Smith in Woodside, California, also known as Jackling House. Although it reportedly remained in an almost unfurnished state, Jobs lived in the mansion for ten years. According to reports, he kept an old BMW motorcycle in the living room, and let Bill Clinton use it in 1998. He allowed the mansion to fall into a state of disrepair, planning to demolish the house and build a smaller home on the property; but he met with complaints from local preservationists over his plans. In June 2004, the Woodside Town Council gave Jobs approval to demolish the mansion, on the condition that he advertise the property for a year to see if someone would move it to another location and restore it. A number of people expressed interest, including several with experience in restoring old property, but no agreements to that effect were reached. Later that same year, a local preservationist group began seeking legal action to prevent demolition. In January 2007 Jobs was denied the right to demolish the property, by a court decision.[43]

He usually wears a black long-sleeved mock turtleneck made by St. Croix, Levis 501 blue jeans, and New Balance 992 sneakers.[44]

Jobs had a public war of words with Dell Computer CEO Michael Dell, starting when Jobs first criticized Dell for making "un-innovative beige boxes." On October 6, 1997, in a Gartner Symposium, when Michael Dell was asked what he would do if he owned then-troubled Apple Computer, he said "I'd shut it down and give the money back to the shareholders."[45] In 2006, Steve Jobs sent an email to all employees when Apple's market capitalisation rose above Dell's. The email read:

Team, it turned out that Michael Dell wasn't perfect at predicting the future. Based on today's stock market close, Apple is worth more than Dell. Stocks go up and down, and things may be different tomorrow, but I thought it was worth a moment of reflection today. Steve."[46]

In 2005, Steve Jobs banned all books published by John Wiley & Sons from the Apple retail stores in response to their publishing an unauthorized biography, iCon: Steve Jobs.[47]

When Jobs spoke at the Stanford Commencement, he spoke frankly about his opinions on entrepreneurship, work, and life. He reflected on what kept him going through challenging times: "I’m convinced that the only thing that kept me going is that I loved what I did. You’ve got to find what you love." He continued to stress the importance of "finding something you love" and "following your own inner voice." (The full podcast of his speech can be downloaded free from the iTunes music store, the video at YouTube.com and the text can be found here)

In May 2007, Jobs recommended Al Gore to run in the U.S. Presidential Race.[48]

Health concerns

In mid-2004, Jobs announced to his employees that he had been diagnosed with a malignant tumor in his pancreas.[49] The prognosis for pancreatic cancer is usually very grim; Jobs, however, stated that he had a rare, far less aggressive type known as islet cell neuroendocrine tumor.[49][50] After initially resisting the idea of conventional medical intervention and embarking on a special diet to thwart the disease, Jobs underwent in July 2004 a pancreaticoduodenectomy (or "Whipple procedure") that successfully removed the tumor.[51][52][53] Jobs apparently did not require nor receive chemotherapy or radiation therapy.[49][54] (During his absence, Timothy D. Cook, head of worldwide sales and operations at Apple, ran the company.)[49] As of 2008, there was reportedly no evidence of identifiable cancer four years after surgery.

In early August 2006, Jobs delivered the keynote for Apple's annual Worldwide Developers Conference. His “thin, almost gaunt” appearance and unusually “listless” delivery,[55][56] together with his choice to delegate significant portions of his keynote to other presenters, inspired a flurry of media and internet speculation about his health.[57] In contrast, according to an Ars Technica journal report, WWDC attendees who saw Jobs in person said he “looked fine”;[58] following the keynote, an Apple spokesperson said that "Steve's health is robust."[59]

Two years later, similar concerns followed Jobs' 2008 WWDC keynote address:

  • June 11, 2008: An interviewer at CNBC.com writes:[62]
[H]is handshake was moderate, his hands felt bony, and I was taken aback by his extremely narrow face, slight build, and noticeable shoulder bones through his shirt. Those aren't my impressions looking back in time through the prism of speculation since. That's what I thought then; that these weren't the features of a guy who'd been working out, or on a diet. They seemed far more severe. Sickly.
  • July 21, 2008: Apple earnings conference call participants respond to questions about Steve Jobs's health by insisting that it is a "private matter."
  • July 26, 2008: The New York Times publishes an article based on an off-the-record phone conversation between Steve Jobs and Times columnist Joseph Nocera in which he writes that:[64]
While his health issues have amounted to a good deal more than 'a common bug,' they weren’t life-threatening and he doesn’t have a recurrence of cancer.
  • August 28, 2008: Bloomberg mistakenly published a 2500-word obituary to Jobs in its corporate news service, containing blank spaces for his age and cause of death. (It is standard practice for news carriers to stockpile up-to-date obituaries in order to facilitate the fast spread of news in the event of an untimely death of a well-known figure.) Although the mistake was very quickly rectified, this was not enough to stop the error from being picked up by many news carriers and blogs,[65][66][67] intensifying rumours concerning Jobs' health.[68] Jobs responded to this at Apple's September 2008 keynote Let's Rock by quoting Mark Twain:[69]
The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated.
  • October 3, 2008: A "citizen blogger" posted a story on CNN's iReport Web site, claiming that Steve Jobs was rushed to hospital after apparently suffering a heart attack. [70][71]
Steve Jobs was rushed to the ER just a few hours ago after suffering a major heart attack. I have an insider who tells me that paramedics were called after Steve claimed to be suffering from severe chest pains and shortness of breath. My source has opted to remain anonymous, but he is quite reliable. I haven't seen anything about this anywhere else yet, and as of right now, I have no further information, so I thought this would be a good place to start. If anyone else has more information, please share it.

In popular culture

Jobs was prominently featured in three films about the history of the personal computing industry.


He was awarded the National Medal of Technology from President Ronald Reagan in 1985 with Steve Wozniak (the first people to ever receive the honor), and the Jefferson Award for Public Service in 1987.

On November 27, 2007, Jobs was named the most powerful person in business by Fortune Magazine.

On December 5, 2007, California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and First Lady Maria Shriver inducted Jobs into the California Hall of Fame, located at The California Museum for History, Women and the Arts.[72]


  1. ^ a b c "Smithsonian Oral and Video Histories: Steve Jobs". Smithsonian Institution (1995-04-20). Retrieved on 2006-09-20.
  2. ^ a b "Apple - Press Info - Bios - Steve Jobs". Apple Inc. (May 2006). Retrieved on 2006-09-20.
  3. ^ "Putting Pay for Performance to the Test", New York Times (2007-04-08).
  4. ^ "Apple again pays Jobs $1 salary", CNET News.com (2006-03-13).
  5. ^ "Jobs's salary remained at $1 in 2005", AppleInsider (2006-03-14).
  6. ^ "Forbes "The World's Billionaires list 2008"", Forbes (2008-03-14). Retrieved on 2008-03-14.
  7. ^ Kahney, Leander (2004-01-06). "Wired News: We're All Mac Users Now", Wired News. Retrieved on 2006-09-20.
  8. ^ "Apple's Jobs is most powerful businessman-Fortune". Fortune Magazine (2007-11-27). Retrieved on 2007-11-28.
  9. ^ "Pixar History - 1986". Pixar. Retrieved on 2008-04-25.
  10. ^ a b 2006-01-25 Disney buys Pixar for $7.4 bn, rediff.com
  11. ^ "The Walt Disney Company - Steve Jobs Biography".
  12. ^ a b Cringely, Robert X. (2004-04-01). "Steve Jobs – Apple Computer, Pixar", Inc. Magazine. Retrieved on 2006-09-20.
  13. ^ a b Elkind, Peter (2008-03-15). "The trouble with Steve Jobs". Fortune. Retrieved on 2008-07-21.
  14. ^ "Biography: Steve Jobs". The Apple Museum. Retrieved on 2006-05-18.
  15. ^ Campbell, Duncan (2004-06-08). "The Guardian Profile: Steve Jobs", Guardian Unlimited. Retrieved on 2006-03-31.
  16. ^ "'You've got to find what you love,' Jobs says", Stanford Report (2005-06-14). Retrieved on 2006-03-31.
  17. ^ a b Markoff, John (2005). What the Dormouse Said: How the 60s Counterculture Shaped the Personal Computer Industry. The Penguin Group. pg. xviii-xix, ISBN 0-670-03382-0.
  18. ^ Letters – General Questions Answered, Woz.org
  19. ^ Wozniak, Steven: "iWoz", a: pages 147–148, b: page 180. W. W. Norton, 2006. ISBN 13:978-0-393-06143-7
  20. ^ Kent, Stevn: "The Ultimate History of Video Games", pages 71–73. Three Rivers, 2001. ISBN 0-7615-3643-4
  21. ^ Player 2 Stage 1: The Coin Eaters
  22. ^ Arcade History: Breakout
  23. ^ Classic Gaming: A Complete History of Breakout
  24. ^ Leonard, Andrew (1999-09-28). "Do penguins eat apples?". Salon.com. Retrieved on 2007-02-10.
  25. ^ "His Opportunity to Change the World".
  26. ^ Hertzfeld, Andy. "The Times They Are A-Changin'". folklore.org.
  27. ^ Hertzfeld, Andy. "The End Of An Era". folklore.org.
  28. ^ Apple Computer, Inc. Finalizes Acquisition of NeXT Software Inc., Apple Inc., 1997-02-07. Retrieved on 2006-06-25.
  29. ^ "The once and future Steve Jobs", Salon.com (2000-10-11).
  30. ^ "Jobs announces new MacOS, becomes 'iCEO'", cnn.com (2000-01-05).
  31. ^ "Real Artists Ship".
  32. ^ "Apple Improves Recycling Plan", PC Magazine (2006-04-21).
  33. ^ "New questions raised about Steve Jobs' role in Apple stock options scandal" (2006-12-28).
  34. ^ "Apple restates, acknowledges faked documents", EE Times (2006-12-29). Retrieved on 2007-01-01.
  35. ^ http://www.dailytech.com/Group+Wants+7B+USD+From+Apple+Steve+Jobs+Executives+Over+Securities+Fraud+/article12258.htm Group Wants $7B USD From Apple, Steve Jobs, Executives Over Securities Fraud
  36. ^ http://www.informationweek.com/news/management/legal/showArticle.jhtml;jsessionid=BTWV3Q2KTJBYYQSNDLRSKH0CJUNN2JVN?articleID=208802018&pgno=2&queryText=&isPrev= Apple, Steve Jobs, Executives, Board, Sued For Securities Fraud
  37. ^ Pixar Founding Documents
  38. ^ Colvin, Geoff. "Steve Jobs' Bad Bet." Fortune, 2007-03-19.
  39. ^ JOBS MACWORLD 07
  40. ^ Steve Jobs (pg 2) - Mar. 4, 2008
  41. ^ Morgenson, Gretchen (1987-12-28). "At home with Steve Jobs", Forbes. Retrieved on 2007-04-30.
  42. ^ Tallant, Nicola (2005-05-01). "Bono's E11.5M 'Bargain Buy'", The Sunday People. Retrieved on 2007-04-30.
  43. ^ "Appeals court says Jobs can't raze Woodside mansion", San Francisco Chronicle.
  44. ^ http://gizmodo.com/gadgets/pcs/wear-the-exact-outfit-of-steve-jobs-for-458-157402.php Gizmodo on Steve Jobs's attire
  45. ^ "Dell: Apple should close shop", CNET.
  46. ^ "Michael Dell Should Eat His Words, Apple Chief Suggests", The New York Times.
  47. ^ Hafner, Katie (2005-04-30). "Steve Jobs's Review of His Biography: Ban It", The New York Times, p. Technology. Retrieved on 2006-10-16.
  48. ^ Evans, Jonny (2007-05-23). "Steve Jobs proposes Al Gore for president", Macworld, p. Business. Retrieved on 2007-06-04.
  49. ^ a b c d Evangelista, Benny (2004-08-02). "Apple’s Jobs has cancerous tumor removed", San Francisco Chronicle, p. A1. Retrieved on 2006-08-09.
  50. ^ Survival in islet cell carcinoma is highly dependent upon the degree of disease involvement; surgical cure is possible if the tumor is resected completely. Review articles using the SEER national database (Surveillance Epidemiology and End Results) have shown a median survival of about a decade for localized disease, six years for regional (confined to the region of the pancreas) and two years for those with distant disease. American Society of Clinical Oncology.
  51. ^ Mayo Clinic: Pancreatic Cancer Treatment
  52. ^ NY Times
  53. ^ However, the surgery is associated with several (treatable) complications:
    • Patients require pancreatic enzyme replacement after meals for proper small bowel absorption of food; despite this replacement some degree of malabsorption may occur, with ensuing diarrhea,
    • Patients may develop diabetes mellitus, poor control of which may lead to weight loss,
    • Bacteria may infect the duodenum, the portion of the small intestine adjacent to the bile duct, leading to fever, diarrhea, and malabsorption, and
    • Substantial rearrangement of the gastrointestinal tract can lead to functional complications:
  54. ^ Steve Jobs and Whipple.
  55. ^ “Looking very thin, almost gaunt”:Kahney, Leander. "Has Steve Jobs Lost His Magic?". Cult of Mac. Wired News. Retrieved on 2006-08-08.
  56. ^ “[The audience was] uninspired (and concerned) by Jobs' relatively listless delivery”:Meyers, Michelle. "Jobs speech wasn’t very Jobs-like", BLOGMA, CNET News.com. Retrieved on 2006-08-08.
  57. ^ Saracevic, Al (2006-08-09). "Where's Jobs' Mojo?", San Francisco Chronicle, p. C1. Retrieved on 2006-08-09.
  58. ^ Cheng, Jacqui. "What happened to The Steve we know and love?". Infinite Loop. Ars Technica. Retrieved on 2006-08-08.
  59. ^ Claburn, Thomas (2006-08-11). "Steve Jobs Lives!". InformationWeek. Retrieved on 2007-10-09.
  60. ^ Business Technology: Steve Jobs's Appearance Grabs Notice, Not Just the IPhone
  61. ^ "Apple says Steve Jobs feeling a little under the weather" in Apple Insider.
  62. ^ Goldman, Jim. "Apple's Jobs And His Health: Take Accurate Over Being First". Retrieved on 2008-06-11.
  63. ^ Fortune Magazine Article
  64. ^ Talking Business: Apple’s Culture of Secrecy
  65. ^ "Steve Jobs' Obituary, As Run By Bloomberg". Gawker (2008-08-27). Retrieved on 2008-08-28.
  66. ^ "Steve Jobs Obituary Published By Bloomberg". The Daily Telegraph (2008-08-28). Retrieved on 2008-08-28.
  67. ^ "Bloomberg mistakenly publishes Steve Jobs obituary". Yahoo News (2008-08-28). Retrieved on 2008-08-28.
  68. ^ "Bloomberg publishes Jobs obit but why?". Zdnet Blogs (2008-08-28). Retrieved on 2008-08-29.
  69. ^ "Apple posts 'Lets Rock' event video". MacWorld (2008-09-10). Retrieved on 2008-09-11.
  70. ^ "Steve Jobs' Nine Lives". Forbes (2008-10-03). Retrieved on 2008-10-03.
  71. ^ "CNN's iReport Under Fire For Fake Jobs Health Report". paidcontent.org (2008-10-03). Retrieved on 2008-10-03.
  72. ^ Jobs inducted into California Hall of Fame, California Museum, Accessed 2007


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Business positions
Preceded by
Gil Amelio
CEO of Apple
Succeeded by
NAME Jobs, Steve
SHORT DESCRIPTION CEO and Co-Founder of Apple Inc.
DATE OF BIRTH February 24, 1955
PLACE OF BIRTH San Francisco, California, U.S.

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