We are a group of dedicated professionals working towards a world-wide, people-centered, inclusive Information Society. Our goal is to make it easier for existing groups to offer wireless training sessions by providing free access to high quality training materials. Learn more about us on the WirelessU Concept page.
Departement Pendidikan Nasional Republik Indonesia
Visi Terwujudnya sistem pendidikan sebagai pranata sosial yang kuat dan berwibawa untuk memberdayakan semua warga negara Indonesia agar berkembang menjadi manusia yang berkualitas sehingga mampu dan proaktif menjawab tantangan zaman yang selalu berubah. Sejalan denga Visi Pendidikan Nasional tersebut, Depdiknas berhasrat untuk pada tahun 2025 menghasilkan: INSAN INDONESIA CERDAS DAN KOMPETITIF (Insan Kamil/Insan Paripurna) Misi 1. Mengupayakan perluasan dan pemerataan kesempatan memperoleh pendidikan yang bermutu bagi seluruh rakyat Indonesia; 2. Membantu dan memfasilitasi pengembangan potensi anak bangsa secara utuh sejak usia dini sampai akhir hayat dalam rangka mewujudkan masyarakat belajar; 3. Meningkatkan kesiapan masukan dan kualitas proses pendidikan untuk mengoptimalkan pembentukan kepribadian yang bermoral; 4. Meningkatkan keprofesionalan dan akuntabilitas lembaga pendidikan sebagai pusat pembudayaan ilmu pengetahuan, keterampilan, pengalaman, sikap, dan nilai berdasarkan standar nasional dan global; 5. Memberdayakan peran serta masyarakat dalam penyelenggaraan pendidikan berdasarkan prinsip otonomi dalam konteks Negara Kesatuan RI. Selaras dengan Misi Pendidikan Nasional tersebut, Depdiknas untuk tahun 2005 - 2009 menetapkan Misi sebagai berikut: MEWUJUDKAN PENDIDIKAN YANG MAMPU MEMBANGUN INSAN INDONESIA CERDAS KOMPREHENSIF DAN KOMPETITIF
Institute for Quantum Information
The Institute sponsors programs which encourage the growth and development of the emerging field of quantum information science.
Distance Learning at Harvard University Club of Indonesia
Resources for Harvard's worldwide Internet audience
The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
The mission of MIT is to advance knowledge and educate students in science, technology, and other areas of scholarship that will best serve the nation and the world in the 21st century.
Unlocking Knowledge, Empowering Minds.Free lecture notes, exams, and videos from MIT. No registration required.
MIT Sloan School of Management
To develop principled, innovative leaders who improve the world and to generate ideas that advance management practice.
MIT Open Course Ware Club of Indonesia
Browsing, Learning, Leading, Loving -H2O-
MIT Club Of Saudi Arabia
The MIT Club of Saudi Arabia was established in 1998. From a modest start, membership has steadily grown to over 80 members as of the beginning of 2008. Those members have MIT degrees in diverse disciplines and work in a variety of professions within Saudi Arabia. The objective of the club is to foster social and intellectual interaction between members, promote leadership programs in business and technology in Saudi Arabia, and support programs at MIT that promote cultural tolerance and understanding.
Open Source Schools
Open Source Schools is an initiative to inform schools about Open Source Software (OSS). A number of schools are already realising the benefits of OSS within their ICT strategy. This project will work to share their experiences with the wider community of educational practitioners.
Harvard Extension School
Harvard University's Extension School offers undergraduate and graduate liberal arts degree programs to nontraditional students. The Extension School is part of the Division of Continuing Education,
Harvard Medical School (HMS)
The school has a large and distinguished faculty to support its missions of education, research, and clinical care.
Harvard Graduate School of Education
The mission of HGSE is to prepare leaders in education and to generate knowledge to improve student opportunity, achievement, and success. It seeks to accomplish this mission by operating at the nexus of practice, policy, and research.
Harvard Business School
We educate leaders who make a difference in the world For nearly a century, our faculty have drawn on their passion for teaching, their experience in working with organizations worldwide, and the insights gained from their research to educate generations of leaders who have shaped the practice of business in every industry and in every country around the world.
The Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Science (SEAS)
Our core tenets---educating broad-minded students; interdisciplinary research; integration across disciplines; and balancing theory, experimentation, and practice---create an unmatched environment for learning and exploration.
Harvard College
The Faculty's departmental structure supports programs that guide concentrators from their first introduction to a field to greater levels of sophistication, while a number of other academic programs support Harvard's efforts at general educational needs and specialized academic concerns.
Harvard Law School
Harvard Law School offers an energetic and creative learning environment, a diverse and dedicated faculty—whose expertise spans a broad array of legal subjects—and a student body that comes from every state in the U.S. and more than 70 countries around the world.
The Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (GSAS)
The Graduate School of Arts and Sciences is under the direction of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences. It is the responsibility of that faculty to set the conditions of admission to the school, to provide courses of instruction for its students, to direct their studies and examine them in their fields of study, to establish and maintain the requirements for its degrees and make recommendations for those degrees to the Governing Boards, to lay down regulations for the governance of the school, and to exercise a general supervision of all its affairs.
The Harvard School of Public Health
The overarching mission of the Harvard School of Public Health is to advance the public's health through learning, discovery, and communication. Our Objectives Are: * to provide the highest level of education to public health scientists, practitioners, and leaders * to foster new discoveries leading to improved health for the people of this country and all nations * to strengthen health capacities and services for communities * to inform policy debate, disseminate health information, and increase awareness of public health as a public good and fundamental right.
The Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard
The mission of the Radcliffe Institute is to create an academic community where individuals can pursue advanced work in any of the academic disciplines, professions, or creative arts. Within that broad purpose, it sustains a continuing commitment to the study of women, gender, and society.
Harvard University Division of Continuing Education
Study for credit or noncredit, online or on campus. Through the Harvard Extension School and Harvard Summer School, the division offers open-enrollment courses and academic programs in an array of subjects, including liberal arts, information technology, and environmental management.
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